by rlyness | Apr 21, 2016
Today, Piantedosi offers its customers “big company” capabilities and innovations with “small company” attention and loyalty! Its’ dignified heritage has been preserved over the years, allowing each new generation an opportunity to develop new dreams, leaving their...
by rlyness | Apr 21, 2000
Change was driven by advanced technology and an awareness of becoming more “eco-friendly” in this decade. As savvy business owners, the leadership of Piantedosi Baking Company recognized the need for change. Numerous initiatives were taken to move towards...
by rlyness | Apr 21, 1980
The emergence and demand for frozen foods became part of the American lifestyle in the 1980’s; so once again, Piantedosi’s third generation owners created a niche in this market. They worked tirelessly to introduce the Piantedosi name across the country and have...
by rlyness | Apr 21, 1970
As times changed, business continued to flourish, but not ‘across the shelves’. The second generation noted a decline in pastry sales yet fresh bread sales increased. They realized that in order to ensure quality and demand of one line another would have to go....
by rlyness | Apr 21, 1950
Time passed, the second generation assumed full time positions within the company and pastries were introduced to the product line. By the mid-1950s, the city of Everett was undergoing urban renewal and the company was forced to relocate. Although reluctant to do so,...